WEB 285 Online Entertainment vs Traditional TV Radio Media

WEB 285 Online Entertainment vs Traditional TV Radio Media


Cable marketing schemes in some areas is MONOPOLISTIC.  Online internet entertainment will overtake what passes for for a fee paid entertainment .Subscribers pay ridiculous fees to view 500 channels of often nothings on so lets buy a pay for view movie. Quirky  content,  soiling over 500 channels deliver mediocre reams of made for DVD ONE STAR movie  productions, incredible bad sequel , insulting reality tv, talent shows, talkng heads, home shopping channels, and worst offenders are the attempts to recreate th movie classic with special effects. Thankfully, the saving grace is plenty of the decent pre last 10 years  productions, and a plethora of classic movies that are timelessly re-watchable..  Has humanity become this easily amused ?

Free digital local broadcast viewing, while  free in cost your viewing  demands intolerable  commercial as an impositional charge upon  viewers. Every 13 minutes normal intelligence suffers  five minutes enduring tedious commercials from hemorrhoids to huggies. Todays’ barely passable entertainment mediums,   increasingly flat-out denigrate women, the family, anything Judaic Christian (excusing all other religions), and worse any human normalcy. Meanwhile glorifying all of society’s least common denominators, entertainment mediocrity sells across all performing strata’s of art, and entertainment. Almost a drunken revelry of guiltless glorification of aberrant inhuman behavior, and violence. Worse it provides a distorted view of the importance of human relationships. Sadly  entertainment too often displacing any sense of intimate sexuality. Within the confines of purported entertainment’s free license, viewers watch common sense no longer  considered good sense by sense that makes no sense at all. (Time Warner Marketing, 1998-2013) Cell phones and now smart phones make it all available addictively, 24 hours every minute of the day.


Human zombie-like drones,  addicted to their internet providing cell phones, tablets, and smart phones shuffling about  are a common site. Personal research, while sitting on front porch step with unobscured  sidewalk view of constant pedestrian traffic on the pedal thoroughfare to a major University is like watching ,THE WALKING DEAD” minus the makeup. For a laugh on TRASH day I placed the recycle bin in the middle of the sidewalk at 9 am. I returned it to the side of the house at 7:30 pm without first enjoying watching the incurring ZOMBIE Woof of purportedly college entrance educated students bound for daily Higher education just shuffled around the can.  Without exemption , phone in hand or attached to ear or just walking down the street blabbing into the earpiece microphone, 1.5 out of 4 strode in a similar gait.  Seemingly aimless, smart phone attached or not, they all walked  around the can. America’s  self title MORE CULTURAL ATTUNED generation merely walked around, not giving a thought of clearing the sidewalk for others was even more damning that despite plenty room to move it the requisite 18 inches., on either side of the sidewalk, no one did from the hundreds that daily shuffle past the house. What ‘s really quizzical; who in the world are  all these people talking to 24hrs a day?

Smart phone technology provides an amazing device which has the ability to enlighten and educate . Also provides a likewise  ability to waste vast amounts of time more insipid than a computer due to it fitting in the pocket. Cable providers now have access to everyone’s attention and minds with phones providing the septic tank suction in reverse mode of pumping the “Cosmic Slop” straight into subscribers hands 24hrs a day. NON- stop information data flow of choice available anywhere to customers willing to pay ridiculous  3G & 4G fees. Instant whatever anymore wherever paying customers find themselves. Please , no labeling here; not intending to be preachy for the technology  provides a great service to humanity. (De Bous, 2012) Unfortunately it can all  be a waste of human dignity, money, and time. Never before in recorded history have children committed mass murder or so many needless slayings. Never before has the human child been reluctant to go outside. Imagination that build brains is robs childhood experience of personal fantasy playlands for ready-made all too often gore filled cyber niches. Never before have they had unhindered excess to such slop in the palm of their hand 24hrs a day. Is that a good thing,? A genuine opportunity to let youth find themselves freely? (Berggin, Peter PHD, 2013)

Never before in recorded history have subsequently without parental controls, children can choose to spend the formative years  of their lives indoors attached to murderous 1st person shooter gaming,. Now children carry around devices and smartphones  to join slaughter-fest mates in cyberspace 24hrs a day. Without a defining space of right and wrong at school ,what replacement is being absorbed deeply within cyberspace gore and violence? What’s just plain best for the children? Is violent sexual explicit, obscenity laden entertainment  a great building block for youngsters?

Cacophonistic howls erupt from the purportedly offended scream intolerance.  Self titled intelligentsia feelings find that a relatively grey zone of “Laizze Fair Fiat” human mores is best in life? Allow everyone the opportunity to make personal choices tfrom same so-called intelligentsia made choices, same semm consumed with controlling. Wish we coud poll the victims? Cannot the  smartest minds of modern intelligentsia connect any historical economical dots? Easily observable is a modern pattern-able phenomena of aberrant  fatalistic behavior now reaching children as young as  6 y/o (with data). Shocking behaviour beyond society’s imagination is becoming the new normal. Howls for regulation on everything but entertainment, for instance the banned from class classics.

Could it be teaching from the  classics (entertainment once was literature) prevented this recent phenomena for societal horror in all society’s centuries prior? Without even trying to be preachy, which is not the aim of this discourse; anyone think there is  a connection to  24hrs , now handheld , slime oozing out from technology produced airborne entertainment waves,  to increases in shocking youth behaviours? Frank Zappa wrote a song decrying, “The Slime”, oozing out of your TV set.




Millions are spent by corporations to advertise on broadcast TV. (Center, 2013) Billions are paid in fees to subscribe to cable TV to escape that advertizing. Gaming is a multi-billion dollar global market. (Holcomb, 2013) All of these industries donate heavily to political campaigns. (Jurkowitz, 2013) Frank Zappa extolled how bad it would get during Senate Testimony before Al & Tipper Gore’s Senate Subcommittee Investigation.

Allowing for a heavily applied literary free license, “Grandma said if you got nothing nice to say keep your pie-hole shut “. Entertainment mediums are not all bad..Internet offerings are possible the greatest accomplishment since Guttenberg freed the Serfs of ignorance.

However, lately modernity seems in a head down smart phone affixed undisturbed Zombie Woof Bataan death march back to serfdom!

Internet entertainment offers the entire world, nearly everything history has produced, (missing the ANCIENTS  burned at the Library of Alexandria), recorded or accomplished in downloadable formats . Readily and easily  accessible in numerous printable or playable formats for human reading, or online viewing . What a glorious alternative to mindless game playing and insipid movie viewing. Limitless choices available for the nominal fee of an internet connection is enjoyed for the price of deleting pop ups, between the page covering  wire frame XHTML & HTML5 algorithm driven  advertising.  Google algorithmic tracking at least tailors the advertising deluge based upon your surfing patterns. (Internet, 2001)

Internet entertainment is the most incredible interactive educational platform. Want to learn how to do something? Limitless thousands of users commit videos skill performing infinite instructional how to video tutorials for free on YouTube, FaceBook (ZombieWoofBook). Artist’s entire  discographies from all musical forms  are easily enjoyed on-line free of charge save the connection fee. Free lossless audio codecs provides listeners who choose a format from vinyl rip quality content creating. Many espouse it is like  a  nearly never before heard copy of one’s favorite timeless classics. Corporate musical content replaced real talent about 12:01 1980. Musicians unwilling to dilute their talent for a paycheck are now replaced by all sounds alike endless bands of popular genres playing lock-step corporate approved identical sounding content. Internet offerings take listeners  back to the very beginning of the 20th century’s; even 77 rpm  Edison’s gramophone record recordings.

Movie classics have the same esteem on the internet. Glorious remastered versions of timeless classic movies provide letterbox full screen wider angle directorial field of view. Technology releases the camera lenses panoramic aperture the directorial stagecraft captured on scene. Parts of the actual set entire landscapes  audiences never before viewed. is the reward. Lawrence of Arabia, Patton, Tora Tora Tora, The Verdict , and Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid, were all filmed on location all over the globe missing much of the beautiful production’s global location . Striking, magnificent  landscape views in  remastered digital 1080 HD reproduction is uploaded to YouTube for free viewing iproviding director’s cut  online.  Viewed upon unbelievable affordable  flat screen smart TVs,  using wireless connected entertainment beamed from one, two, three, now four terrabyte external hard drive servers to all in home users with a computer or smart tv/phone provides PCs  entertainment excellence without leaving the farm. Popcorn is cheaper also.   (Roos, 2011)

Best of all the  home generated internet entertainment’s results are 100% content  malleable.  Affordable excellence is driving astounding levels of quality in  personal choice online technology. Having been given an AM transistor radio for my twelfth birthday,  its amazing to behold. Music in crystal clear high-definition FLAC codec content is  formatted from vinyl to portable digital 24 bit 192 MHz purity. Classic album  rips produce unbelievable audiophile enjoyment levels. Audio quality never before heard, even upon thousands of dollars’ worth of the finest equipment. Satellite radio offers nearly commercial free uninterrupted choice driven  select content listening.  Netflix offers a huge database of all genres of entertainment streaming enjoyment for a mere  $7.98.

Nominal monthly fee of less than ten dollars delivers limitless viewing without commercial interruption accessible thru most any  browser, its mere mouse clicks away,  24hrs on demand. Assignment was to critic and contrast entertainment. History is key to anything’s success. Not knowing where things, places, and Peoples came from stumbles where future Peoples are going. Not intending to preach, having read George Orwell’s 1984 at twelve years of age and Future Shock six years later at eighteen, it’s simultaneously exciting , while being nearly as equally dismaying,  to watch modernity evolution, with as rapidly, modernity’s  devolution. No  ladies and gentlemen,  that toothpaste, isn’t going back into the tube. (Coalson, 2008)



Berggin, Peter PHD. (2013, March 21). Variery . Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Variety Violence & Entertainment:http://d27vj430nutdmd.cloudfront.net/13665/143137/143137.86.pdf

Center, P. R. (2013, January 01). Local Broadcast TV Advertising Revenue Grew in 2012. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from The Stare of the News Media :http://stateofthemedia.org/2013/local-tv-audience-declines-as-revenue-bounces-back/local-tv-by-the-numbers/20-local-broadcast-tv-advertising-revenue-grew-in-2012/

Coalson, j. (2008, January 01). FLAC Free Lossless Audo Codec Feature Comparison. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from FLAC Free Lossless Audo Codec:http://flac.sourceforge.net/download.html

De Bous, I. (2012, January 01). How Smart Phoines Change human Behaviour. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Slide Share: http://www.slideshare.net/ibousaid/how-smartphones-change-human-behavior

Holcomb, M. P. (2013, January 1). Cable By the Numbers. Retrieved May 267, 2013, from The Pew Research Center: http://stateofthemedia.org/2013/cable-a-growing-medium-reaching-its-ceiling/cable-by-the-numbers/

Internet, A. (2001, January o1). Web, Video, Texts, Audio, Project. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Internet Archive: http://archive.org/index.php

Jurkowitz, H. S. (2013, January 01). The Changing TV Landscape. Retrieved mAY 27, 2013, from The Pew Research Center: http://stateofthemedia.org/2013/special-reports-landing-page/the-changing-tv-news-landscape/

Roos, D. (2011, January 1). How Do they Remaster CDs and DVDs? Retrieved May 24, 2013, from How Stuff Works: http://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/remaster-cds-dvds.htm

Time Warner Marketing. (1998-2013, January 1). Time Warner Cable Enjoy More. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Time Warner Cable Company:http://www.timewarnercable.com/en/gateway.html

Turque, B. (1999, August 31). Inventing Al Gore. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from New York Times Books: http://www.nytimes.com/books/first/t/turque-gore.html

Works Cited

Berggin, Peter PHD. (2013, March 21). Variery . Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Variety Violence & Entertainment:http://d27vj430nutdmd.cloudfront.net/13665/143137/143137.86.pdf

Center, P. R. (2013, January 01). Local Broadcast TV Advertising Revenue Grew in 2012. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from The Stare of the News Media :http://stateofthemedia.org/2013/local-tv-audience-declines-as-revenue-bounces-back/local-tv-by-the-numbers/20-local-broadcast-tv-advertising-revenue-grew-in-2012/

Coalson, j. (2008, January 01). FLAC Free Lossless Audo Codec Feature Comparison. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from FLAC Free Lossless Audo Codec:http://flac.sourceforge.net/download.html

De Bous, I. (2012, January 01). How Smart Phoines Change human Behaviour. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Slide Share: http://www.slideshare.net/ibousaid/how-smartphones-change-human-behavior

Holcomb, M. P. (2013, January 1). Cable By the Numbers. Retrieved May 267, 2013, from The Pew Research Center: http://stateofthemedia.org/2013/cable-a-growing-medium-reaching-its-ceiling/cable-by-the-numbers/

Internet, A. (2001, January o1). Web, Video, Texts, Audio, Project. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Internet Archive: http://archive.org/index.php

Jurkowitz, H. S. (2013, January 01). The Changing TV Landscape. Retrieved mAY 27, 2013, from The Pew Research Center: http://stateofthemedia.org/2013/special-reports-landing-page/the-changing-tv-news-landscape/

Roos, D. (2011, January 1). How Do they Remaster CDs and DVDs? Retrieved May 24, 2013, from How Stuff Works: http://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/remaster-cds-dvds.htm

Time Warner Marketing. (1998-2013, January 1). Time Warner Cable Enjoy More. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Time Warner Cable Company:http://www.timewarnercable.com/en/gateway.html

Turque, B. (1999, August 31). Inventing Al Gore. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from New York Times Books: http://www.nytimes.com/books/first/t/turque-gore.html


Berggin, Peter PHD. (2013, March 21). Variery . Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Variety Violence & Entertainment: http://d27vj430nutdmd.cloudfront.net/13665/143137/143137.86.pdf

Center, P. R. (2013, January 01). Local Broadcast TV Advertising Revenue Grew in 2012. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from The Stare of the News Media : http://stateofthemedia.org/2013/local-tv-audience-declines-as-revenue-bounces-back/local-tv-by-the-numbers/20-local-broadcast-tv-advertising-revenue-grew-in-2012/

Coalson, j. (2008, January 01). FLAC Free Lossless Audo Codec Feature Comparison. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from FLAC Free Lossless Audo Codec: http://flac.sourceforge.net/download.html

De Bous, I. (2012, January 01). How Smart Phoines Change human Behaviour. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Slide Share: http://www.slideshare.net/ibousaid/how-smartphones-change-human-behavior

Holcomb, M. P. (2013, January 1). Cable By the Numbers. Retrieved May 267, 2013, from The Pew Research Center: http://stateofthemedia.org/2013/cable-a-growing-medium-reaching-its-ceiling/cable-by-the-numbers/

Internet, A. (2001, January o1). Web, Video, Texts, Audio, Project. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Internet Archive: http://archive.org/index.php

Jurkowitz, H. S. (2013, January 01). The Changing TV Landscape. Retrieved mAY 27, 2013, from The Pew Research Center: http://stateofthemedia.org/2013/special-reports-landing-page/the-changing-tv-news-landscape/

Roos, D. (2011, January 1). How Do they Remaster CDs and DVDs? Retrieved May 24, 2013, from How Stuff Works: http://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/remaster-cds-dvds.htm

Time Warner Marketing. (1998-2013, January 1). Time Warner Cable Enjoy More. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Time Warner Cable Company: http://www.timewarnercable.com/en/gateway.html

Turque, B. (1999, August 31). Inventing Al Gore. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from New York Times Books: http://www.nytimes.com/books/first/t/turque-gore.html

Works Cited

Berggin, Peter PHD. (2013, March 21). Variery . Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Variety Violence & Entertainment: http://d27vj430nutdmd.cloudfront.net/13665/143137/143137.86.pdf

Center, P. R. (2013, January 01). Local Broadcast TV Advertising Revenue Grew in 2012. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from The Stare of the News Media : http://stateofthemedia.org/2013/local-tv-audience-declines-as-revenue-bounces-back/local-tv-by-the-numbers/20-local-broadcast-tv-advertising-revenue-grew-in-2012/

Coalson, j. (2008, January 01). FLAC Free Lossless Audo Codec Feature Comparison. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from FLAC Free Lossless Audo Codec: http://flac.sourceforge.net/download.html

De Bous, I. (2012, January 01). How Smart Phoines Change human Behaviour. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Slide Share: http://www.slideshare.net/ibousaid/how-smartphones-change-human-behavior

Holcomb, M. P. (2013, January 1). Cable By the Numbers. Retrieved May 267, 2013, from The Pew Research Center: http://stateofthemedia.org/2013/cable-a-growing-medium-reaching-its-ceiling/cable-by-the-numbers/

Internet, A. (2001, January o1). Web, Video, Texts, Audio, Project. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Internet Archive: http://archive.org/index.php

Jurkowitz, H. S. (2013, January 01). The Changing TV Landscape. Retrieved mAY 27, 2013, from The Pew Research Center: http://stateofthemedia.org/2013/special-reports-landing-page/the-changing-tv-news-landscape/

Roos, D. (2011, January 1). How Do they Remaster CDs and DVDs? Retrieved May 24, 2013, from How Stuff Works: http://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/remaster-cds-dvds.htm

Time Warner Marketing. (1998-2013, January 1). Time Warner Cable Enjoy More. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Time Warner Cable Company: http://www.timewarnercable.com/en/gateway.html

Turque, B. (1999, August 31). Inventing Al Gore. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from New York Times Books: http://www.nytimes.com/books/first/t/turque-gore.html


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